Sandija Kusnere

Building: Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija, Atbrīvošanas aleja 115
Room: 215. auditorija
Date: 02.12.2016 10:50 AM – 11:15 AM
Last modified: 28.11.2016


Object of the paper – explore the musical environment of creating the importance of a child’s development up to the 1,5-year the social care institution. The paper was used for the theoretical metod – analysis of scientific literature and empirical research method – pedagogical observations of the individual and group lessons. The role is theoretically and practically explored and described in the musical environment of the social care institution for the children up to 1,5 years.

The author main conclusions of the study: 1. A musical environment that is dominated by the positive emotional experiences, contributes to the child’s emotional development and self-motivation to participate, as a result, creates a child self-fulfillment option. 2. Children up to 1,5 years have joy of playing materials and musical instruments, they can take part in and control them independently, revealing himself more and more opportunities. 3. By interaction with toys and musical instruments children get to know not only the functionality, but they also learn how to build relationships with the surroundings, acquire certain environment and play choices, and provide support for children’s play in action.



child; child development; musical development; musical environment


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