Rita Burceva, Stefka Vasileva

Last modified: 24.01.2018


Archives and the documents collected in them are popularised by organising informative events and communication activities, and their target audience is individuals, public, state and municipal institutions. The research problem defines the need for more active examination of the diverse experience of foreign archives for the purpose of adopting the most efficient forms of work, introducing new initiatives, arousing public interest in the national documentary heritage, which is preserved and available in these institutions. The attempt to describe and analyse the peculiarities of activity of the Bulgarian State Archives, using a particular structural unit (the Gabrovo State Archive), whose experience can be generalised, considering the specifics of the existent legislation, determines the novelty of the research. The objective of the research is to describe the best practices of popularising the national documentary heritage at the Gabrovo State Archive, emphasizing the interdisciplinary aspects of building the public image and educating the public. The research methods: the theoretical and methodological literature review, a situative research method.

The public image of an archive should always be viewed as a complex system, with one of its component parts, along with the indicators of recognisability, being its reputation. If it is possible to facilitate to its recognisability, using some publicity tools, the reputation usually develops over the course of time and it requires targeted, thought-out and systemic action. Visitor satisfaction about the received service, repeated interest, good word of mouth and written reviews, the responsiveness and activity of other institutions and persons cooperating in concrete projects, the desire to use the archive resources to fulfil their personal and public objectives, etc. can serve as the proof of a positive public image. There are various techniques how an archive can position its identity (deliberately developed external communication through the use of particular symbols) in communication: their own logotype, press releases, document forms, posters made in the particular style, representation items, publications and the homepage design, etc. A resultative form of work for popularisation of documents is personal contacts, which are maintained by the members of staff of the archive visiting particular events, providing explanatory information to journalists during press conferences, to a circle of particular specialists in discussions and reports, opening documentary exhibitions, conducting classes and interest education circles in archives, organising excursions, questionnaires, thematic evenings, etc. So we can conclude that the popularisation of archive materials or documentary heritage is one of the main forms of activity of archives. The access to documents (both direct and remote) and its diverse use provide a link between an archive and the public, broadening their views on the collected documentary heritage and the importance of the archive activity, and strengthening the reputation of archives to the public.


documentary heritage; public image; state archive


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