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Gaidarski, Ivan, Institute of Robotics "St. Ap. and Gospeller Matthew" Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Ganieva, Barno, <p>Department "Information and Library Systems”, TUIT named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi</p>
Ganiyeva, Barno, Library information system department, Tashkent University of Information Technologies<br />
Garov, Stoyan, National Security Department, University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
Gaydarov, Valentin, Faculty Transport management, University of Transport<br />
Georgiev, Borislav, Technical University of Gabrovo
Georgiev, Kliment, Technical University of Sofia, branch Plovdiv, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Department: Mechanical and Instrument Engineering
Georgiev, Victor Boykov, Bulgaria University of Transport, „Technique and construction technologies in transport“ Faculty<em><br /></em><br />
Georgieva, Teodora, Rakovski National Defence College, Defense Advanced Research Institute
Georgieva, Veska Atanasova, dept. Agrometeorology, BAS-NIMH
Ghalot, Risham Singh, Faculty of Engineering, Rezekne Academy of Technology
Gjerlow, Eirik, <p>Department of Construction, Energy and Material Technology, The Arctic University of Norway</p>
Gladchenko, Victor, Faculty of Telecommunications and management, University of Telecommunications and Post <br /><em> <br /> </em>
Golikova, Oksana, <p><em>Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies NTU KhPI, </em><em>National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”</em></p>
Golubovs, Rudolfs, Riga Technical University<br />
Goranova, Sylvia, Technical University of Sofia
Gospodinov, Danail, <p class="Author">Department of Materials Science and Technology, “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse</p>
Gospodinov, Genadiy, Computer science department, ULSIT<br />
Gospodinov, Todor, Faculty of Telecommunications and Management, University of Telecommunications and Post
Gotsev, Lyubomir, Computer science department, ULSIT<br />
Grabusts, Peter, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Institute of Engineering
Granda, Milagros, <p>Instituto de Investigación para el Desarrollo, Sustentable de Ceja de Selva, National University Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza of Amazonas</p>
Grasis, Janis, Rīga Stradiņš University
Greitane, Rita, Riga Technical University
Grewiński, Mirosław, <p>Departament of Social Sciences, Korczak University - Academy of Applied Sciences  in Warsaw</p>

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