Mārtiņš Spridzāns, Jans Pavlovičs, Diāna Soboļeva

Last modified: 28.09.2020


Efficient use of educational technology and digital learning possibilities has always been the strategic area of high importance in border guards training at the State Border Guard College of Latvia. Recently, issues related to training during the Covid-19, have spurred and revived the discussion, topicality and practical need to use the potential of e-learning opportunities which brought up unexpected, additional, previously unsolved, unexplored, challenges and tasks to border guards training. New opportunities and challenges for trainers, learners and administration of training process both in online communication and learning administration contexts. In order to find out and define further e-learning development possibilities at the State Border Guard College the authors of this research explore the scientific literature on on the current research findings, methodologies, approaches on developing interactive e-learning systems in educational contexts, particularly within the sphere of law enforcement. Based on scientific literature research findings authors put forward suggestions on improving the e-learning systems for border guards training.



E-learning, online communication, digital competence development


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