Rasma Tretjakova, Lyubomir Lazov, Andris Martinovs, Samanta Marija Misiņa

##manager.scheduler.building##: Atbrivosanas aleja 115, k-4 (Faculty of Engineering) Room 112
Last modified: 05.06.2017


At the biogas plant total of 40 digestate samples have been collected and investigated. The microbiological composition of digestate has been analysed before and after laser processing with wavelength λ 445 nm with power 2 - 4 W. Salmonella spp. has not been stated in any of the samples, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. amount does not correspond Eiropean Union regulation R142/2011 requirements in any of the investigated samples; Staphylococcus aureus has been stated in 24 samples out of 40. By decreasing laser scanning speed and increasing power, the total number of microorganism colonies in digestate has decreased.


laser; digestate; bacteria


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