Wu Yanlin, Ruslan Chornovol-Tkachenko

Last modified: 18.03.2021


Chinese pedagogical science always had rather complex relationship with the concept of «giftedness» as a social and educational reality because only the person's social success (good position, social and professional demand, maximum compliance with the social ideal of society) was seen as the sign of the person's giftedness in traditional Chinese pedagogy. Online education always considered to be a supporting form of education service in China or a variant of education service providing for special categories of children (hard-to-reach children, children with special physical and educational needs, those who are in difficult life situations: imprisoned, in hospital etc). However the 2020 pandemic situation faced the whole world and China in particular with the need to reconsider views as to the place of distance education. All pedagogical and educational work in the world has been moved online and work with gifted children is of no exception. The article aims to present the Chinese experience of online work with gifted children (especially the communicatively gifted ones) by the means of special education platforms and programs. To write the article, a complex of theoretical and empirical research methods was used (аbstraction method, analysis of pedagogical literature, induction and deduction, observation etc.).


communicatively gifted children; creative education; distance education; education platform; gifted children; online education; socially gifted


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