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Krupa, Piotr, <p>Institute of Chemistry, Environmental Protection and Biotechnology</p> <p>Jan Dlugosz University on Czestochowa</p> <p> </p>
Krupińska, Sylwia, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Krupskyi, Yaroslaw, Vinnytsa National Technical University
Kruszewska, Aleksandra, Akademia Jana Dlugosza in Czestochowa
Krutova, Erika, Dr.iur., Docent of Department of Police Law of State Police College
Krutova, Ērika, State Police College
Kruty, Kateryna, <p class="IATED-Affiliation">Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University</p>
Kruty, Kateryna, <span lang="EN-US">Vinnyts<span>i</span>a M<span>y</span>khailo Ko<span>t</span>siubynskyi State Pedagog<span>i</span>cal University</span>
Kruty, Kateryna, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Kruzite, Daiga, Baltic International Academy
Kryvosheya, Tetiana, <span lang="EN-US">Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University</span>
Kryvosheya, Tetiana, <span lang="EN-US">Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University</span><br />
Kryvosheya, Tetiana, Department of Preschool Education, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Kryvosheya, Tetiana, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Kryzhanovskyj, Valerii, <p>Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture</p> <p>Kyiv Institute of the National Guard of Ukraine</p><p> </p>
Kshivak, Yuriy, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University<br />
Kublickis, Raimonds, Mg.soc.sc., The State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia, Rezekne
Kuboń, Maciej, <span lang="EN-GB">Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Informatics, University of Agriculture in Krakow</span>
Kuboń, Maciej, University of Agriculture in Krakow
Kuboń, Maciej, <p>University of Agriculture in Krakow</p>
Kuboń, Maciek, Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Informatics, University of Agriculture in Krakow
Kubulins, Raivis, Institute of Aeronautics, Riga Technical University
Kučera, Pavel, <p>Palacký University in Olomouc</p>
Kučera, Pavel, Institute of Special Education Studies, Faculty of Education
Kucher, Oleg, Educational and Scientific Institute Of Business and Finance, Higher educational institution «Podillia State University»

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