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Duranowski, Wojciech, <span lang="EN-GB">University of Opole</span>
Durasiewicz, Arkadiusz, Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw
Dvoretsky, Dmitry, <p class="ConsPlusNonformat">Pskov Branch of the Academy of Federal Penal Service of Russia</p> <p class="ConsPlusNonformat"> </p>
Dvoretsky, Dmitry, Pskov Branch of the Academy of Federal Penal Service of Russia
Dvoretsky, Dmitry, Academy of Law Management of the Federal Penal Service of Russia (Pskov branch)
Dyakova, Vanya, Institute of Metal Science, Equipment, and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Materials Testing and Analyses
Dyakova, Vanya, IMSETHAC-BAS, Materials Testing and Analyses
Dyakova, Vanya, Materials Testing and Analyses, IMSTHAC-BAS
Dyakova, Vanya, Institute of Metal Science, Equipment, and Technologies “Acad. A. Balevski” with Center for Hydro- and Aerodynamics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Dyatlov, Yuriy, Academy of the FPS of Russia (Pskov branch)<br />
Dyatlov, Yuriy, Academy of Federal Penal Service of Russia (Pskov Branch)
Dyatlov, Yuriy, Academy of Federal Penal Service of Russia (Pskov Branch),  Pskov State University
Dyatlov, Yuriy, Pskov Branch of the Academy of Federal Penal Service of Russia
Dybkova, Liudmyla, Department of Informatics and Systemology, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman<br />
Dybkova, Liudmyla, <p class="Author">Department of Informatics and Systemology, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman</p><br />
Dyka, Nataliia, <span>Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University</span>
Dyka, Nataliia, Department of Primary Schoold Education, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
Dzedule, Līga, <p class="Author">Dept. of Plant Breeding and Agroecology, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Priekuļi</p>
Dzelzs, Ieva, Latvijas Sporta pedagoģijas akadēmija
Dzene, Ieva, Latvia University of Agriculture
Dzērve, Uldis, University of Latvia
Dzerviniks, Jānis, <span>Rezekne Academy of Technologies</span>
Dzerviniks, Jānis, Rezeknes Augstskola
Dzerviniks, Janis, <span lang="EN-GB">Rezekne Academy of Technologies</span>
Dzerviniks, Jānis, Rezekne Academy of Technologies

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