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Gode, Ina, <p>Latvia University of Agriculture</p>
Gode, Ina, <p>Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies</p>
Godunov, Igor, <p>Institute of legislation and comparative law under the Government of the Russian Federation</p>
Gogolin, Olimpia, University of Silesia in Katowice
Goldmanis, Māris, University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
Golikova, Oksana, <p><em>Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies NTU KhPI, </em><em>National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”</em></p>
Goljandin, Dmitri, <p>Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Research and Testing Laboratory of Materials Recycling</p>
Golosovsky, I., Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P. Konstantinov of NRC «Kurchatov Institute»
Golovina, Lyubov, Pskov state University
Golubovs, Rudolfs, Riga Technical University<br />
Gómez-Ullate García de León, Martín, University of Extremadura
González, Manuel Joaquín Fernández, <em>University of Latvia</em>
González, Manuel J Fernández, Scientific institute of Pedagogy, Department of Education, Psychology and Arts, University of Latvia
Gora, Tomasz, Jan Dlugosz University of Czestochowa
Goranova, Sylvia, Technical University of Sofia
Gorbovy, Oleg, Faculty of Energy and Information Technologies, Higher educational institution «Podillia State University»
Gorbunovs, Aleksandrs, Riga Technical University, Distance Education Study Centre
Goremikins, Vadims, Riga Technical University, Insitute of Structural Engineering and Reconstruction
Gorina, Maritana, Daugavpils University
Gorlichenko, Marina, Military Academy (Odessa)
Gorlova, Ekaterina, Samara State Technical University
Górna, Joanna, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa
Gorobeca, Paula, Latvia
Gorobeca, Paula, Latvijas Universitāte
Gorskis, Henrihs, Riga Technical University, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

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