State Border Guard College in collaboration with Rezekne Academy of Technologies calls for the participation in
VIIth International scientific and practical conference BORDER SECURITY AND MANAGEMENT
May 15, 2018 – May 16, 2018
- Future challenges and opportunities of immigration
- Integrated Border Management: best practices and applicability
- Cooperation in the field of border security and management: best practices, risks and challenges.
- Information Technologies in border security and management
- Shaping border guard education: challenges and perspectives
- Ethical issues and psychological aspects in border management
Registration till March 26, 2018
Submission of full papers till April 13, 2018
Transferring of the publication fee April 15, 2016
- Publication and participation fee – EUR 100 (incl.VAT, costs of participant’s folder, coffee breaks, lunch, soiree)
- Publication fee - EUR 50 (incl.VAT)
- Participation fee - EUR 50 (incl.VAT, costs of participant’s folder, coffee breaks, lunch, soiree)
- Fee for additional copies (proceedings) – EUR 15
- Fee for sending the proceedings by mail:
- in Latvia – 5 EUR
- to other countries – 15 EUR
For the representatives of the State Border Guard College, as well as for the representatives coming from cooperation partner institutions invited by the State Border Guard College, participation in the conference is free of charge (accommodation / catering / coffee breaks / publications).
Payment of registration/publication fees should be made by transfering funds directly into the Rezekne Academy of Technologies bank account: |
RĒZEKNES TEHNOLOĢIJU AKADĒMIJA (Rezekne Academy of Technologies)
Registration Number: 90000011588
Address: Atbrīvošanas aleja 115, Rēzekne, Latvija
Account: LV04HABA0551031524266
Please, indicate your full name (Name, Surname) and Conference ''Border security and management''
Author Guidelines
The Paper format sample:
The suggested length of the paper is 10 pages.
User manual of web conference system
All authors are kindly requested to download the format sample and prepare their contributions accordingly. It should be noted that papers must be written in exact BSM format before they are uploaded to a conference, as this contributes to the best appeareance of the proceedings. If the final version of a paper is considerably different to the desired format, it will not be published even if it is accepted and registered.
Authorship Statement on the Submitted Paper:
Please download the authorship statement form and prepare the relevant required text. A completed form must be signed by all authors. Please note that due to crossborder difficulties we cannot accept electronic signatures; all authors must sign by hand. Please upload the signed copy with your submission or scan and email to:

Author biographie
Before the conference start, please include a brief biography (no more than 300 words) in authors profiles Bio statement (authors should log in to the conference web site and follow the link My Profile under login information). This allows the viewing and reading audience to become familiar with the background of the authors, thus giving the paper greater impact and validity.
Start the paragraph devoted to each author's name, without indentation. In boldface FULL CAPITALS. Authors are encouraged to include email and webaddress in the last line of the biography.
If space permits, a small picture of 1.5 x 2 cm can be included as shown below.
JOHN J. BERZINSH was born in Riga, Latvia and went to the Free University of Malnava, where he studied information technology and obtained his degree in 1980. He worked for a couple of years for the Rezekne Software Company EDUSOFT before moving in 1986 to the University of Anytown where he is now leading a large research group in the field of development of Worldwide e-Learning systems. His e-mail address is : and his Web-page can be found at
Submissions for this conference were closed on 14.05.2018.