Last modified: 02.03.2020
Tactile graphics represent an important means to overcome or alleviate the information deficit resulting from the loss of visual perception. The research framework of the paper is focused on a primary probe into the field of application of tactile graphics in the spatial orientation of people with visual impairment in the sense of development of spatial imagination and improvement of independent movement through the use of audiotactile maps. The chosen topic is viewed from the perspective of professionals working with people with visual impairment as well as the clients with visual impairment themselves. Partial results of the study are presented, focusing on the overall attitude of people with visual impairment to tactile graphics and their application potential, which adds to the overall picture of contemporary reality in the field of tactile graphics, with an emphasis on usability in spatial orientation and independent movement. The research has shown the considerable potential of tactile graphics in the development of spatial imagination. In connection with these conclusions, modern 3D maps with auditory elements were designed and will be also presented in the paper.
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